Cluster AT+R - Cluster Automatizačnej techniky a robotiky

Organizational structure

Executive and Organisational Units of the AT+R Cluster

The founders of the cluster, innovative production companies, SPINEA, s.r.o. Prešov, ZŤS VVU, a.s. Košice, VUKOV Extra, a.s. Prešov, PROCONT, spol. s r.o. Prešov, EVPU, a.s. Nová Dubnica, CEIT SK, s.r.o. Žilina, R&D of the Technical University of Košice and Žilina University, with the support from the Prešov Self-Governing Region and Košice Self-Governing Region, secure the development of research and production and supply capacities for the field of the automation and robotic technology.

zakladatelia klastra

zakladatelia klastra

zakladatelia klastra

The Innovation and New Technology Transfer Centre has been founded as a joint workplace of members and partners of the AT+R Cluster, based Prešov and focused on the interconnection of the university and corporate research in AT+R fields.

Dlhodobým zámerom Centra TNT –AT+R je vytvoriť základňu pre podporu inovácií a transferu nových technológií v oboroch AT+ R pre potreby inovatívnych firiem a MSP v regióne. Rozvoj pracoviska nadväzuje na zámer vytvorenia RIC PO. Centrum bude zabezpečovať vývojove a aplikačné projekty automatizácie inžinierskych prác/AIP/, skúšobníctva, rapid technológií ako súčasť výskumných a inovačných projektov pre výrobcov komponentov výrobnej, robotickej techniky a nových technológií.

A long-term plan of the TNT – AT+R Centre is to create a base for the support of innovations and transfer of new technologies in AT+R fields for the needs of innovative companies in and SMEs in the region. The development of the workplace follows up the plane to create RIC PO. The centre will secure development and application projects for the automation of engineering works (CAD/CAM/CAE), testing, rapid technologies as part of research and innovative projects for manufacturers of components of production robotic technologies and new technologies.

Part of the centre will also be training programmes and capacity that will support implementation and innovation programmes for the transfer of know-how for the needs of the members and partners of the cluster and customers of the centre. Such activities will also be done with the intention to create preconditions for the motivation of foreign investors for the investment into research and development in regions of Slovakia.

zakladatelia klastra

The R&D AT+R Centre in Košice has been founded in order to strengthen the co-operation of university and corporate research and development for the field of automation technology and robotics in the form of jointly solved projects.

A long-term plan of the R&D AT+R Centre is to create a common organisation base for the support of research and development of AT+R components, service robotics and multi-agent systems in the member and partner organisations of the AT+R Cluster. In the centre, projects in the fields of research and application of mechatronics, robotics, drive, sensor and control systems will be solved by the creation of joint working teams of specialists from universities and development workplaces of companies.

Part of the centre will also be training programmes and capacities that will support implementation and innovation programmes for the transfer of know-how for the needs of members and partners of the cluster.

Individual activities of the centre will also be done with the intention to create preconditions for the motivation of foreign investors for the investment into research, development and production in regions of Slovakia.

zakladatelia klastra


  • L_IMS Laboratory of Intelligent Production Systems
  • L_DF Laboratory of a Digital Company
  • L_QCTD Laboratory of Quality Control, Testing and Diagnostics
  • L_RE Laboratory of Reverse Engineering
  • L_RP Laboratory of Rapid Prototyping
  • L-VR Laboratory of Virtual Reality and Immersive Technologies


The CIP-AVS will be established as a joint workplace of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Žilina University (SjF-ŽU), Institute of Competitiveness and Innovations of the Žilina University (UKaIŽU), Central European Institute of Technology (CEIT), RIC-VÚC Žilina and the AT+R Cluster.

A long-term intention of the CIP-AVS cluster is to gain specialised capacity in the research, development, designing and implementation of intelligent solutions for advanced production. The specialisation of CIP-AVS is the support of research and development of issues of innovative designing and automation of project works, with the use of synergy and integration activities of SjF-ŽU, UKaI-ŽU, CEIT and RIC-ŽU and with the use of research and development results of other members of the AT+R cluster. Within the AT+R cluster, the CIP-AVS, in cooperation with cluster members, will work as a general designer for innovations in advanced production systems and complex solutions for selected areas.

zakladatelia klastra

IDC (ESC) – Engineering and Supply Centre for AT+R will be established as an association of legal entities specialised in the preparation and implementation of engineering and designing, trading and supplying activities for the transfer of new production programmes and technologies. The founders of the ESC are members of the AT+R Cluster with production and supply unites in Prešov, Košice, Žilina and Nová Dubnica.